Grammatica inglese - Preposizioni di mezzo

In lingua inglese, il complemento di mezzo viene genericamente espresso con la preposizione "by", omettendo l'articolo determinativo o indeterminativo. Vedremo successivamente alcune espressioni idiomatiche che fanno riferimento a mezzi di trasporto, quali aereo, bicicletta o automobile.

  • shape
  • shape

Preposizioni di mezzo

Genericamente la preposizione per un mezzo è by. Ci sono però numerosissime eccezioni:

  by car / taxi

As far as whether travel by car is permitted, that is determined by where you live


in my/a sports car, in George's car, in a taxi

  by bus / coach / underground

How to travel by bus during the coronavirus outbreak


on the bus, on an air-conditioned coach

  by train / rail 

Traveling by train is part of the journey!


on the train

  by plane / air / jet

Moving by plane can actually be a relatively easygoing way to get to your new destination, and certainly faster than trekking by car


on a plane / jet

  by boat / ship / ferry 

A former coastguard's cottage is for sale in Plymouth - but it's only accessible by boat


on a big ship, in a boat

  by bicycle / moped / motorcycle

Seven reasons why Barcelona is best seen by bicycle


on his bicycle, on a new moped / ...

Preposizioni di mezzo

Andare a / in...

In inglese possiamo esprimere lo stesso concetto in diversi modi, vediamone alcuni:

to walk -> to go on foot

to drive -> to go / travel by car

to ride a bicycle / to cycle -> to go by bicycle

to fly -> to go / travel by air

to ride a moped / motorcycle -> to go / travel by moped / motorcycle

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