
Denizione di  quarter - dizionario di inglese del sito grammaticainglese.org - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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quarter (third-person singular simple present quarters, present participle quartering, simple past and past participle quartered)

  1. (transitive) To divide into quarters.
  2. (transitive) To provide housing for military personnel or other equipment.
    Quarter the horses in the third stable.

quarter (countable and uncountable; plural quarters)

  1. Any one of four equal parts into which something has been divided.
  2. (United States and Canada) A coin worth 25 cents.
  3. A period of three consecutive months.
  4. A section or area (of a town, etc.).
  5. (uncountable) Accommodation granted to a defeated opponent
    • ""Sir, they have asked for quarter."" ""Have they? Well, we will give no quarter.""
  6. An old English measure of corn, containing 8 bushels.
    • 1882, James Edwin Thorold Rogers, A History of Agriculture and Prices in England, volume 4, p. 204.
      One of these is 1 Hen. V, cap. 10, defining the quarter of corn to be eight struck bushels, and putting fines on purveyors who take more.
  7. An old English measure of cloth, nine inches or four nails
  8. (historical) Each of the four divisions or watches of a twelve-hour night.
    • 1526, William Tyndale, trans. Bible, Mark VI:
      And aboute the fourth quartre of the nyght, he cam unto them, walkinge apon the see [...].

quarter (not comparable) (also spelled with prefix quarter-)

  1. Pertaining to an aspect of a quarter.
  2. (chiefly) Consisting of a fourth part, a quarter (1/4, 25%).
    • A quarter hour; a quarter century; a quarter note; a quarter pound.
  3. (chiefly) Related to a three-month term, a quarter of a year.
    • A quarter day is one terminating a quarter of the year.
    • A quarter session is one held quarterly at the end of a quarter.

Definizione dizionario quarter

  one of four equal parts
  Una qualsiasi delle quattro parti uguali in cui qualcosa è stato diviso.
  Any of the four equal parts into which something has been divided.
  period of three months
  A period of three months.
  section of a town
  To provide housing for military personnel or other equipment.
  coin worth 25 cents
  coin worth 25 cents
  coin worth 25 cents
dividere in quattro
moneta di venticinque centesimi
quarto di dollaro
un quarto

Altri significati:
  photograph size 254mm x 305 mm
  (historical) Each of the four divisions or watches of a twelve-hour night.
  (transitive) To divide into quarters.
  A section or area (of a town, etc.).
  To divide into four (equal) parts.
  An old English measure of cloth, nine inches or four nails
  (uncountable) Accommodation granted to a defeated opponent
  A period of three consecutive months.
  An old English measure of corn, containing 8 bushels.
  (chiefly) Related to a three-month term, a quarter of a year.
  (United States and Canada) A coin worth 25 cents.
  divide into quarters
  A part of a town with its own particular features and distinctive characteristics which give it a certain unity and identity.
  (transitive) To provide housing for military personnel or other equipment.
  (chiefly) Consisting of a fourth part, a quarter (1/4, 25%).
  Any one of four equal parts into which something has been divided.
  quarter (of a year)
  Pertaining to an aspect of a quarter.

Traduzione quarter

quarto ,trimestre ,quartiere ,circondario ,distretto

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