
Denizione di  pardon - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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Definizione monolingua



pardon (third-person singular simple present pardons, present participle pardoning, simple past and past participle pardoned)

  1. (transitive) To forgive.
    • 1599: William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
      O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth, / That I am meek and gentle with these butchers!
    • 1815: Jane Austen, Emma
      I hope you will not find he has outstepped the truth more than may be pardoned, in consideration of the motive.
  2. (transitive, law) To grant an official pardon for a crime; unguilt.
    • 1900, Charles W. Chesnutt, The House Behind the Cedars, Chapter I,
      The murderer, he recalled, had been tried and sentenced to imprisonment for life, but was pardoned by a merciful governor after serving a year of his sentence.

pardon (plural pardons)

  1. Forgiveness for an offence.
    • 1748: Samuel Richardson, Clarissa
      a step, that could not be taken with the least hope of ever obtaining pardon from or reconciliation with any of my friends;
  2. (law) An order that releases a convicted criminal without further punishment, prevents future punishment, or (in some jurisdictions) removes an offence from a persons criminal record, as if it had never been committed.
    • 1974: President Gerald Ford, Proclamation 4311
      I... have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States ...

Definizione dizionario pardon

  Smettere di incolpare qualcuno per un'offesa.
  To stop blaming someone for an offense.
  Annullamento parziale o totale di una pena concesso a un condannato da parte del capo dello stato.
  Interiezione utilizzata in una frase per indicare che una persona non ha capito o non ha inteso la frase appena detta ed invita quindi l'interlocutore a ripetere.
  An interjection that indicates that a person doesn't understand and invites the other person to repeat it.
  A warrant granting release from punishment for an offence.

Altri significati:
  forgiveness for an offence
  Forgiveness for an offence.
  to forgive
  (law) An order that releases a convicted criminal without further punishment, prevents future punishment, or (in some jurisdictions) removes an offence from a person's criminal record, as if it had never been committed.
  characters substituted for others of the same sound
  (transitive) To forgive.
  releasing order
  (transitive, law) To grant an official pardon for a crime.
  to grant an official pardon
  Often used when someone does not understand what another person says.
  interjection, request to repeat

Traduzione pardon

perdonare ,grazia ,prego ,scusi ,amnistia

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