
Denizione di  never - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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Definizione monolingua




  1. (Sutsilvan) to snow

never (not comparable)

  1. At no time; on no occasion; in no circumstance.
    I finally finished, and I never want to do that again.
    I repeated the test a hundred times, and never saw a positive result.
    I will never tell.
    • 1634, William Shakespeare, John Fletcher, The Two Noble Kinsmen, Act 2, Scene 4,
      Why should I love this Gentleman? Tis odds / He never will affect me;
    • 1908, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables, Chapter XXI: A New Departure in Flavorings,
      ""I never thought you were so fond of Mr. Phillips that youd require two handkerchiefs to dry your tears just because he was going away,"" said Marilla.
    • 1919, B. G. Jefferis, J. L. Nichols, Searchlights on Health: Sensible Rules for the Nurse,
      Never speak of the symptoms of your patient in his presence, unless questioned by the doctor, whose orders you are always to obey implicitly.
  2. Not at any other time; not on any other occasion; not previously.
    • 1601 Novenber 30, Elizabeth I of England, Elizabeth Is Farewell Speech,
      There is no jewel, be it of never so rich a price, which I set before this jewel: I mean your love.
    • 1813, Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 4,
      ""He is just what a young man ought to be,"" said she, ""sensible, good-humoured, lively; and I never saw such happy manners!--so much ease, with such perfect good breeding!""
    • 1908, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables, Chapter XIII: The Delights of Anticipation,
      I never saw such an infatuated man.
  3. (colloquial) Negative particle (used to negate verbs in the simple past tense; also used absolutely).
    The police say I stole the car, but I never did it.
    You said you were going to mow the lawn today.I never!

Definizione dizionario never

  at no time
  At no time.
  at no time
  At no time.
non ... mai

Altri significati:
  (colloquial) Negative particle ( '''used to negate verbs in the simple past tense; also used absolutely''' ).
  never (with negative verb)
  At no time; on no occasion; in no circumstance.
  Not at any other time; not on any other occasion; not previously.
  never (with neg. verb)
  (with neg) by no means
  well, I never
  not ... at all

Traduzione never

mai ,giammai ,non ,non ... mai

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