
Denizione di  likely - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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Definizione monolingua



likely (plural likelies)

  1. Something or somebody considered likely.

likely (comparative likelier or more likely, superlative likeliest or most likely)

  1. probable; having a greater-than-even chance of occurring
    Rain is likely later this afternoon.
  2. probable; Possessing or displaying the qualities or characteristics that make something probable
    They are likely to become angry with him.
  3. appropriate, suitable; believable; having a good potential
    Jones is a likely candidate for management.
  4. plausible; Within the realm of credibility
    not a very likely excuse.
    • 2011 December 19, Kerry Brown, “Kim Jong-il obituary”, The Guardian:
      The DPRK propagated an extraordinary tale of his birth occurring on Mount Baekdu, one of Koreas most revered sites, being accompanied by shooting stars in the sky. It is more likely that he was born in a small village in the USSR, while his father was serving as a Soviet-backed general during the second world war.
  5. promising; Apt to achieve success or yield a desired outcome
    a likely topic for investigation.
  6. attractive; pleasant
    found a likely spot under a shady tree for the picnic.
  7. (as predicate, followed by to and infinitive) Reasonably to be expected; apparently destined.
    He is likely to succeed at anything he tries.
    • 2011 November 3, Chris Bevan, “Rubin Kazan 1 - 0 Tottenham”, BBC Sport:
      In truth, Tottenham never really looked like taking all three points and this defeat means they face a battle to reach the knockout stages -with their next home game against PAOK Salonika on 30 November likely to prove decisive.

likely (comparative more likely, superlative most likely)

  1. (obsolete) Similarly.
  2. Probably.
    Likely hell win the election in this economy.

Definizione dizionario likely

  probable; having a greater-than-even chance of occurring
  promising; Apt to achieve success or yield a desired outcome
  appropriate; believable; having a good potential
  displaying the qualities or characteristics that make something probable
  suitable; apparently appropriate or suitable
  plausible; Within the realm of credibility
  attractive; pleasant

Altri significati:
  probable; Possessing or displaying the qualities or characteristics that make something probable
  (as predicate, followed by '''to''' and infinitive) Reasonably to be expected; apparently destined.
  appropriate, suitable; believable; having a good potential
  Having a good chance to happen.
  (obsolete) Similarly.

Traduzione likely

probabile ,promettente ,adatto ,verosimile ,probabilmente

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