
Denizione di  ledger - dizionario di inglese del sito grammaticainglese.org - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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Definizione monolingua



ledger (plural ledgers)

  1. A book for keeping notes, especially one for keeping accounting records.
  2. (accounting): A collection of accounting entries consisting of credits and debits.
  3. (construction): A board attached to a wall to provide support for attaching other structural elements (such as deck joists or roof rafters) to the building.

Definizione dizionario ledger

contabilità generale
  The part of an accounting system that is used for classifying the monetary value of economic transactions by using a chart of accounts, a fiscal calendar, and one or more currencies.
libro mastro
pietra tombale
registro contabile

Altri significati:
  (accounting): A collection of accounting entries consisting of credits and debits.
  A book for keeping notes, especially one for keeping accounting records.
  A collection of accounting entries consisting of credits and debits
  (construction): A board attached to a wall to provide support for attaching other structural elements (such as deck joists or roof rafters) to the building.
  A book for keeping notes

Traduzione ledger

contabilità generale ,libro mastro ,pietra tombale ,registro ,registro contabile

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