
Denizione di  laugh - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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laugh (third-person singular simple present laughs, present participle laughing, simple past laughed, laught, (obsolete), laughd (obsolete), low (obsolete), past participle laughed, laught, (obsolete), laughd (obsolete), laughen (obsolete))

  1. (intransitive) To show mirth, satisfaction, or derision, by peculiar movement of the muscles of the face, particularly of the mouth, causing a lighting up of the face and eyes, and usually accompanied by the emission of explosive or chuckling sounds from the chest and throat; to indulge in laughter.
    • c. 1602, William Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida, act I, scene ii:
      But there was such laughing! Queen Hecuba laughd that her eyes ran oer.
    • 1899, Stephen Crane, Twelve OClock
      The roars of laughter which greeted his proclamation were of two qualities; some men laughing because they knew all about cuckoo-clocks, and other men laughing because they had concluded that the eccentric Jake had been victimised by some wise child of civilisation.
    • 1979, Monty Python, Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
      If life seems jolly rotten
      Theres something youve forgotten
      And thats to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
  2. (intransitive, obsolete, figuratively) To be or appear cheerful, pleasant, mirthful, lively, or brilliant; to sparkle; to sport.
    • (Can we date this quote?) John Dryden:
      Then laughs the childish year, with flowerets crowned.
    • (Can we date this quote?) Alexander Pope:
      In Folly’s cup still laughs the bubble Joy.
  3. (intransitive, followed by ""at"") To make an object of laughter or ridicule; to make fun of; to deride; to mock.
    • 1731-1735, Alexander Pope, Moral essays
      No wit to flatter left of all his store, No fool to laugh at, which he valud more.
    • 1890, Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray Chapter 3
      There was something about him, Harry, that amused me. He was such a monster. You will laugh at me, I know, but I really went in and paid a whole guinea for the stage-box. To the present day I cant make out why I did so; and yet if I hadnt! – my dear Harry, if I hadnt, I would have missed the greatest romance of my life. I see you are laughing. It is horrid of you!""
    • 1967, The Beatles, Penny Lane
      On the corner is a banker with a motorcar
      The little children laugh at him behind his back
  4. (transitive) To affect or influence by means of laughter or ridicule.
    • 1611, William Shakespeare, The Tempest, act II, scene i:
      Will you laugh me asleep, for I am very heavy?
    • 1611, William Shakespeare, The Tempest, act II, scene ii:
      I shall laugh myself to death.
  5. (transitive) To express by, or utter with, laughter.
    • 1602, William Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida, act I, scene iii:
      From his deep chest laughs out a loud applause.
    • 1866, Louisa May Alcott, Behind A Mask or, A Womans Power; Chapter 8
      Fairfax addressed her as ""my lady,"" she laughed her musical laugh, and glanced up at a picture of Gerald with eyes full of exultation.
    • 1906, Jack London, Moonface
      ""You refuse to take me seriously,"" Lute said, when she had laughed her appreciation."" ""How can I take that Planchette rigmarole seriously?""

laugh (plural laughs)

  1. An expression of mirth particular to the human species; the sound heard in laughing; laughter.
    • 1803, Oliver Goldsmith, The Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B.: With an Account of His Life, page 45:
      And the loud laugh that spoke the vacant mind.
    • 1869, F. W. Robertson, Lectures and Addresses on Literary and Social Topics, page 87:
      That man is a bad man who has not within him the power of a hearty laugh.
  2. Something that provokes mirth or scorn.
    • 1921, Ring W. Lardner, The Big Town: How I and the Mrs. Go to New York to See Life and Get Katie a Husband, The Bobbs-Merrill Company, page 73:
      “And this rug,” he says, stomping on an old rag carpet. “How much do you suppose that cost?”
      It was my first guess, so I said fifty dollars.
      That’s a laugh,” he said. “I paid two thousand for that rug.”
    • 1979, Monty Python, Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
      Lifes a piece of shit
      When you look at it
      Lifes a laugh and deaths a joke, its true.
  3. (Should we delete(+) this sense?) (UK) A fun person.
    • 2010, The Times March 14, 2010, Tamzin Outhwaite, the unlikely musical star [1]
      Outhwaite is a good laugh, yes, she knows how to smile: but deep down, she really is strong and stern.

Definizione dizionario laugh

  show mirth by peculiar movement of the muscles of the face and emission of sounds
  To express pleasure, mirth or derision by peculiar movement of the muscles of the face, particularly of the mouth, causing a lighting up of the face and eyes, and usually accompanied by the emission of explosive or chuckling sounds from the chest and throat.
  expression of mirth peculiar to the human species
  expression of mirth peculiar to the human species

Altri significati:
  An expression of mirth particular to the human species; the sound heard in laughing; laughter.
  make an object of laughter or ridicule
  (intransitive) To show mirth, satisfaction, or derision, by peculiar movement of the muscles of the face, particularly of the mouth, causing a lighting up of the face and eyes, and usually accompanied by the emission of explosive or chuckling sounds from the chest and throat; to indulge in laughter.
  An involuntary reaction to a funny or entertaining dialogue or action that usually results in the emission of chuckling or explosive sounds, and shows happiness or satisfaction of the situation.
  something that provokes mirth or scorn
  be or appear cheerful
  (transitive) To express by, or utter with, laughter.
  express by, or utter with, laughter
  (intransitive, followed by "at") To make an object of laughter or ridicule; to make fun of; to deride; to mock.
  (to) laugh
  (transitive) To affect or influence by means of laughter or ridicule.
  (UK) A fun person.
  affect or influence by means of laughter
  Something that provokes mirth or scorn.
  (intransitive, obsolete, figuratively) To be or appear cheerful, pleasant, mirthful, lively, or brilliant; to sparkle; to sport.

Traduzione laugh

ridere ,riso ,risata ,deridere ,divertimento

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