
Denizione di  karst - dizionario di inglese del sito grammaticainglese.org - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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karst (plural karsts)

  1. (geology) A type of land formation, usually with many caves formed through the dissolving of limestone by underground drainage.
    • 1978, M. M. Sweeting, “The Karst of Kweilin, Southern China,” The Geographical Journal, vol. 144, no. 2, p. 200:
      In the time available to us on our geomorphological tour we were not able to see the higher and younger karsts of Kweichow and Yunnan and Kunming.
    • 2009, Katherine Harmon, “Top 10 New Species Discovered in 2008,” ScientificAmerican.com, May 29, 2009:
      The shells are just 0.04 inch (one millimeter) long and were found on a karst formation where conditions are damp, but the snails that inhabit them have yet to be observed.

Definizione dizionario karst

  1) A German rendering of a Serbo-Croat term referring to the terrain created by limestone solution and characterized by a virtual absence of surface drainage, a series of surface hollows, depressions and fissures, collapse structures, and an extensive subterranean drainage network. 2) A type of topography that is formed on limestone, gypsum, and other rocks by dissolution, and that is characterized by sinkholes, caves, and underground drainage. Etymology: German, from the Yugoslavian territory Krs; type locality, a limestone plateau in the Dinaric Alps of northwestern Yugoslavia and northeastern Italy. (Source: WHIT / BJGEO)

Altri significati:
  type of land formation
  (geology) A type of land formation, usually with many caves formed through the dissolving of limestone by underground drainage.

Traduzione karst

carso ,carsismo

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