
Denizione di  interlocutory - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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interlocutory (plural interlocutories)

  1. (rare) A person engaged in a conversation, an interlocutor.
    • 1905, George Bernard Shaw, Major Barbara, Act I:
      Lady Britomart is . . . well mannered and yet appallingly outspoken and indifferent to the opinion of her interlocutory.

interlocutory (not comparable)

  1. Of or pertaining to dialogue or conversation.
    • 1821, Sir Walter Scott, Kenilworth, ch. 17:
      [A]s he passed through the crowded anterooms . . . never did Leicester return the general greeting with such ready and condescending courtesy. . . . For all the favourite Earl had a bow and smile at least, and often a kind word. . . . A few of Leicesters interlocutory sentences ran as follows:— ""Poynings, good morrow; and how does your wife and fair daughter? . . .""
    • 1988, Armand White, ""Arsenio Hall more relaxed in comedy with friend Eddy Murphy,"" Pittsburgh Press, 3 July, p. B8 (retrieved 2 Nov. 2010):
      The 13-week stint Hall did on Fox Broadcastings ""The Late Show"" last fall proved the impact of his interlocutory style.
  2. Interjected into something spoken.
  3. (law) Expressed during a legal action that awaits final decision.
  4. (law) Of or pertaining to legal action that is temporary or provisional.

Definizione dizionario interlocutory

Altri significati:
  (law) Expressed during a legal action that awaits final decision.
  Of or pertaining to dialogue or conversation.
  (rare) A person engaged in a conversation, an interlocutor.
  (law) Of or pertaining to legal action that is temporary or provisional.
  Interjected into something spoken.

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