
Denizione di  execution - dizionario di inglese del sito grammaticainglese.org - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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Definizione monolingua



execution (plural executions)

  1. The act, manner or style of executing (actions, maneuvers, performances).
    • 1885, John Ormsby, chapter 1, Don QuixoteWikisource, volume 1, translation of original by Miguel de Cervantes:
      Already the poor man saw himself crowned by the might of his arm Emperor of Trebizond at least; and so, led away by the intense enjoyment he found in these pleasant fancies, he set himself forthwith to put his scheme into execution.
  2. The state of being executed (accomplished).
    The battle plan was successfully executed.
  3. The act of putting to death or being put to death as a penalty, or actions so associated.
  4. (law) The carrying into effect of a court judgment, or of a will.
  5. (law) The formal process by which a contract is made valid and put into binding effect.
  6. (computing) The carrying out of an instruction, program or program segment by a computer.
    The entire machine slowed down during the execution of the virus checker.
    Whenever the matrix inversion function executed the program crashed.

Definizione dizionario execution

  Il mettere in atto una pena, specialmente quella di morte.
  The act of commiting capital punishment against someone for a certain crime or action

Altri significati:
  execution (of a contract)
  execution (e.g. program) (programme)
  manner or style of a performance etc
  The act of putting to death or being put to death as a penalty, or actions so associated.
  act of executing or the state of being executed
  The state of being executed (accomplished).
  The act, manner or style of executing (actions, maneuvers, performances).
  execution (an order)
  (law) The formal process by which a contract is made valid and put into binding effect.
  act of putting to death or being put to death as a penalty
  execution (building contract)
  carrying into effect of a court judgment, or of a will
  (law) The carrying into effect of a court judgment, or of a will.
  (computing) The carrying out of an instruction, program or program segment by a computer.
  formal process by which a contract is made valid and put into binding effect
  shape and quality of (an article)
  The carrying out of an instruction by a computer.
  carrying out of an instruction by a computer

Traduzione execution

esecuzione ,adempimento ,attuazione ,azione ,effetto

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