
Denizione di  everliving - dizionario di inglese del sito grammaticainglese.org - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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Definizione monolingua



everliving (uncountable)

  1. That which is living forever.
    • In fact, the everliving differs from the eternal. - Brian Copenhaver and Trismegistus Hermes, 1995
      Be aware you are, and discover the everliving. - Osho, 1998
      Lucifer and his followers among the Everliving manifested the beauty of God. - Alfred Hamilton, 2000

everliving (not comparable)

  1. Which lives or continues forever; immortal; everlasting.
  2. (by extension) Which will never be forgotten.
  3. Of or relating to immortality.
    • ...a priest of the eternal imagination, transmuting the daily bread of experience into the radiant body of everliving life - James Joyce, 2005
  4. (slang) Generic intensifier.
    • Dewey shrinks back, thinking, This guys about to come across this desk, beat the everliving shit out of me. - James Hime, 2003
      What the holy everliving fuck was he talking about? - Michael Vaughn, 2002
      Fight it—fight it with all my might—and I was getting the everliving hell beaten out of me! - Susan Powter, 1997

Definizione dizionario everliving

Altri significati:
  Of or relating to immortality.
  (by extension) Which will never be forgotten.
  That which is living forever.
  Which lives or continues forever; immortal; everlasting.
  (slang) Generic intensifier.

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