
Denizione di  eta - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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Definizione monolingua




  1. to eat

eta (plural etas)

  1. The seventh letter of the Modern Greek alphabet, the eighth in Old Greek.
  2. (physics) A kind of electrically neutral meson having zero spin and isospin.

eta (plural etaj, accusative singular etan, accusative plural etajn)

  1. small, little, tiny, minuscule, slight (see -et-)
    Vere, la primo estas eta honoro, sed Mikaelo ege fieras pri ?i.
    True, the award is a small honor, but Michael is immensely proud of it.
    Etaj manoj povas fari egajn malordorojn.
    Little hands can make huge messes.
    Se ?i tio domo estas fakte domego, ?i estas la plej eta domego mi jam vidis!
    If that house is in fact a mansion, it is the tiniest mansion I ever saw!
    ?ia parto en la teatra?o ne estas nur malgranda rolo, estas eta rolo sen sola vorto de dialogo.
    Her part in the the play is not only a small role, it is a minuscule role without a single word of dialog.
    Mi nur havas etan korpdolon.
    I only have a slight headache.


  1. and

Definizione dizionario eta

Altri significati:
  Greek letter
  The seventh letter of the Modern Greek alphabet, the eighth in Old Greek.
  A social outcast in Japan who is subjected to menial work, making up a class or caste of such people.
  (physics) A kind of electrically neutral meson having zero spin and isospin.

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