
Denizione di  envelope - dizionario di inglese del sito grammaticainglese.org - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua



envelope (plural envelopes)

  1. A paper or cardboard wrapper used to enclose small, flat items, especially letters, for mailing.
  2. Something that envelops; a wrapping
  3. A bag containing the lifting gas of a balloon or airship; fabric that encloses the gas-bags of an airship.
    • 1992, Lieutenant Colonel Donald E. Ryan, Jr, The airships potential for intertheater and intratheater airlift, DIANE Publishing, page 46:
      They have no internal or external support structure, being simply a fabric bag (or envelope) filled with a lighter than air gas. Inside the envelope are one or more ""ballonets"", or smaller bags, which help maintain the envelopes shape.
  4. (geometry) A mathematical curve, surface, or higher-dimensional object that is the tangent to a given family of lines, curves, surfaces, or higher-dimensional objects.
  5. (electronics) A curve that bounds another curve or set of curves, as the modulation envelope of an amplitude-modulated carrier wave in electronics.
  6. (music) The shape of a sound, which may be controlled by a synthesizer or sampler.
  7. (computing) The information used for routing an email that is transmitted with the email but not part of its contents.
  8. (biology) An enclosing structure or cover, such as a membrane.
  9. (engineering) The set of limitations within which a technological system can perform safely and effectively.

Definizione dizionario envelope

  wrapper for mailing
  A paper or cardboard wrapper used to enclose small, flat items, especially letters, for mailing.
  A structured set of information that wraps and accompanies an instance message, often describing delivery and processing information. Envelopes can be nested.

Altri significati:
  (electronics) A curve that bounds another curve or set of curves, as the modulation envelope of an amplitude-modulated carrier wave in electronics.
  (geometry) A mathematical curve, surface, or higher-dimensional object that is the tangent to a given family of lines, curves, surfaces, or higher-dimensional objects.
  A bag containing the lifting gas of a balloon or airship; fabric that encloses the gas-bags of an airship.
  electronics: curve that bounds a set of curves
  (biology) An enclosing structure or cover, such as a membrane.
  (computing) The information used for routing an email that is transmitted with the email but not part of its contents.
  (engineering) The set of limitations within which a technological system can perform safely and effectively.
  biology: enclosing structure or cover
  Something that envelops; a wrapping
  something that envelops
  geometry: object that is the tangent to a family of objects
  bag containing the lifting gas
  (music) The shape of a sound, which may be controlled by a synthesizer or sampler.

Traduzione envelope

busta ,inviluppo ,envelope ,compressa ,involto

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