
Denizione di  entity - dizionario di inglese del sito grammaticainglese.org - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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Definizione monolingua



entity (plural entities)

  1. That which has a distinct existence as an individual unit. Often used for organisations which have no physical form.
    • 1992, Rudolf M. Schuster, The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America: East of the Hundredth Meridian, volume V, page ix
      It is also pertinent to note that the current obvious decline in work on holarctic hepatics most surely reflects a current obsession with cataloging and with nomenclature of the organisms—as divorced from their study as living entities.
  2. An existent something that has the properties of being real, and having a real existence.
  3. (computing) An organized array or set of individual elements or parts.
  4. The state or quality of being or existence.
    The group successfully maintains its tribal entity.
    • Quotation: The policy of the government of the United States is to seek . . . to preserve Chinese territorial and administrative entity -- G.F.Kennan

Definizione dizionario entity

  That which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence.
  The representation of all the instances of a particular record. When changes are made to a record type, those changes will affect all individual records of that type.

Altri significati:
  Something having a real existence
  That which has a distinct existence as an individual unit. Often used for organisations which have no physical form.
  Something or somebody that exists as an individual unit
  The state or quality of being or existence.
  An organized array or set of individual elements or parts.
  (computing) An organized array or set of individual elements or parts.
  An existent something that has the properties of being real, and having a real existence.

Traduzione entity

entità ,esistenza ,essenza

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