
Denizione di  enjoyment - dizionario di inglese del sito grammaticainglese.org - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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Definizione monolingua



enjoyment (countable and uncountable; plural enjoyments)

  1. (uncountable) The condition of enjoying anything.
    • ?, Harry S. Truman, Fifth State of the Union Address:
      Our Republic continues to increase in the enjoyment of freedom within its borders, and to offer strength and encouragement to all those who love freedom throughout the world.
  2. (uncountable) An enjoyable state of mind.
    • 1833, John Stuart Mill, Remarks on Benthams Philosophy:
      All acts suppose certain dispositions, and habits of mind and heart, which may be in themselves states of enjoyment or of wretchedness, and which must be fruitful in other consequences besides those particular acts.
  3. (countable) An activity that gives pleasure.
    • 1885, John Ormsby, Don Quixote, translation of original by Miguel de Cervantes, published 1605, 1615:
      Is it, haply, an idle occupation, or is the time ill-spent that is spent in roaming the world in quest, not of its enjoyments, but of those arduous toils whereby the good mount upwards to the abodes of everlasting life?
  4. (law) The exercise of a legal right

Definizione dizionario enjoyment


Altri significati:
  A feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction.
  (uncountable) An enjoyable state of mind.
  (uncountable) The condition of enjoying anything.
  (countable) An activity that gives pleasure.
  (law) The exercise of a legal right

Traduzione enjoyment

godimento ,diletto ,divertimento ,gioia ,gusto

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