
Denizione di  english - dizionario di inglese del sito grammaticainglese.org - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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Definizione monolingua



english (uncountable)

  1. (US) Spinning or rotary motion given to a ball around the vertical axis, as in billiards or bowling.
    You cant hit it directly, but maybe if you give it some english.

Definizione dizionario english


Altri significati:
  BIRBAL THE WISEOne day, a rich merchant came to birbal,"I have seven servants in my house. One of them has stolen my bag of precious pearls. Please find out the thief."So Birbal went to the rich man's house. He called all the seven servants in a room. He gave a stick to each one of them. Then he said, "These are magic sticks. Just now all these sticks are equal in length. Keep them with you and return tomorrow. If there is a thief in the house, his stick will grow an inch longer by tomorrow."The servant who had stolen the bag of pearls was scared. He thought, "If I cut a piece of one inch from my stick, I won't be caught." So he cut the stick and made it shorter by one inch. The next day birbal collected the sticks from the servants. He found that one servant's stick was short by an inch. Birbal pointed his finger at him and said, "Here is the thief." The servant confessed to his crime. He returned the bag of pearls. He was sent to jail.THE WOLF IN SHEEP’S CLOTHINGOne day a wolf found a sheepskin. He covered himself with the sheepskin and got into a flock of sheep grazing in a field. He thought, “The shepherd will shut the sheep in the pen after sunset. At night I will run away with a fat sheep and eat it.”All went well till the shepherd shut the sheep in the pen and left. The wolf waited patiently for the night to advance and grow darker. But then an unexpected thing happened. One of the servants of the shepherd entered the pen. His master had sent him to bring a fat sheep for supper. As luck would have it, the servant picked up the wolf dressed in the sheepskin.That night the shepherd and his guests had the wolf for supper.
  spinning or rotary motion around the vertical axis
  haza noza kuija nkuteme. tokubese
  (US) Spinning or rotary motion given to a ball around the vertical axis, as in billiards or bowling.
  i love u

Traduzione english


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