
Denizione di  ellipsis - dizionario di inglese del sito grammaticainglese.org - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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Definizione monolingua



ellipsis (plural ellipses)

  1. (typography) A mark consisting of three periods, historically with spaces in between, before, and after them “ . . . ”, nowadays a single character “…” (used in printing to indicate an omission).
    • 2006, Danielle Corsetto, Girls with Slingshots: 114
      CARD: Hey Baby. Thanks for the … last night. Love you!
      HAZEL: Wow. I’ve never despised an ellipsis so much in my life.
  2. (grammar, rhetoric) The omission of a grammatically required word or phrase that can be inferred.
  3. (film) The omission of scenes in a film that do not advance the plot.
    • 2002, David Blanke, The 1910s: 219
      It was now possible for writers and directors to cut scenes that did not further the plot; called ""ellipses"" by filmmakers.

Definizione dizionario ellipsis

  omission of grammatically required words that can be implied
punti di sospensione
puntini di sospensione
  The ... character. Can also be represented by entering three dots with no spaces in between (...). Used to convey incompleteness.
puntini puntini puntini
  mark used in printing to indicate an omission

Altri significati:
  (grammar, rhetoric) The omission of a grammatically required word or phrase that can be inferred.
  (film) The omission of scenes in a film that do not advance the plot.
  (typography) A mark consisting of three periods, historically with spaces in between, before, and after them “ . . . ”, nowadays a single character “...” (used in printing to indicate an omission).

Traduzione ellipsis

ellissi ,punti di sospensione ,puntini di sospensione ,puntini puntini puntini ,ellittico

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