
Denizione di  egg - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

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Definizione monolingua



egg (third-person singular simple present eggs, present participle egging, simple past and past participle egged)

  1. To throw eggs at.
  2. To dip in or coat with beaten egg (cooking).
  3. To distort a circular cross-section (as in a tube) to an elliptical or oval shape, either inadvertently or intentionally.
    After I cut the tubing, I found that I had slightly egged it in the vise.

egg (plural eggs)

  1. (zoology, countable) An approximately spherical or ellipsoidal body produced by birds, snakes, insects and other animals housing the embryo during its development.
  2. (countable) The egg of a domestic fowl as an item of food.
  3. (uncountable) The contents of one or more (hens usually) eggs as a culinary ingredient, etc.
    I also determine the minimal amount of egg required to make good mayonnaise.
  4. (biology, countable) The female primary cell, the ovum.
  5. Something shaped like an egg, such as an Easter egg or a chocolate egg.
  6. A swelling on ones head, usually large or noticeable, associated with an injury.
  7. (mildly pejorative, slang), (potentially offensive) A person of Caucasian (Western) ancestry, who has a strong desire to learn about and immerse him- or herself in East Asian culture, and/or such a person who is perceived as behaving as if he or she were Asian.
  8. (New Zealand) (pejorative) A foolish or obnoxious person.
    Shut up, you egg!

Definizione dizionario egg

  egg of domestic fowl as food item
  body housing an embryo
  culinary ingredient
  Gamete femminile negli animali.
  A large, female sex cell enclosed in a porous, calcareous or leathery shell, produced by birds and reptiles.
  Uovo, generalmente di gallina, usato per l'alimentazione.
  Egg from domesticated birds, most commonly hens, seen as food.
  Ghiandola maschile, dove vengono prodotti lo sperma e alcuni ormoni.
  The male sex gland that produces sperm and male hormones, found in some types of animals.

Altri significati:
  To distort a circular cross-section (as in a tube) to an elliptical or oval shape, either inadvertently or intentionally.
  (biology, countable) The female primary cell, the ovum.
  A swelling on one's head, usually large or noticeable, associated with an injury.
  to encourage
  (countable) The egg of a domestic fowl as an item of food.
  Something shaped like an egg, such as an Easter egg or a chocolate egg.
  (zoology, countable) An approximately spherical or ellipsoidal body produced by birds, snakes, insects and other animals housing the embryo during its development.
  (New Zealand) (pejorative) A foolish or obnoxious person.
  to dip in or coat with beaten egg
  To throw eggs at.
  To dip in or coat with beaten egg (cooking).
  to throw eggs at
  (uncountable) The contents of one or more (hen's usually) eggs as a culinary ingredient, etc.
  (mildly pejorative, slang), (potentially offensive) A person of Caucasian (Western) ancestry, who has a strong desire to learn about and immerse him- or herself in East Asian culture, and/or such a person who is perceived as behaving as if he or she were Asian.
  something shaped like an egg
  (obsolete except in egg on) To encourage, incite.

Traduzione egg

uovo ,ovulo ,testicolo ,frutto ,incitare

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