Denizione di  cleave - dizionario di inglese del sito - definizione traduzione e spiegazione grammaticale

Definizione monolingua



cleave (third-person singular simple present cleaves, present participle cleaving, simple past cleft, clove, or in UK: cleaved, or obsolete clave, past participle cleft, cloven, or in UK: cleaved)

  1. (transitive) To split or sever something or as if with a sharp instrument.
    The wings cleaved the foggy air.
  2. (transitive, mineralogy) To break a single crystal (such as a gemstone or semiconductor wafer) along one of its more symmetrical crystallographic planes (often by impact), forming facets on the resulting pieces.
  3. (transitive) To make or accomplish by or as if by cutting.
    The truck cleaved a path through the ice.
  4. (transitive, chemistry) To split (a complex molecule) into simpler molecules.
  5. (intransitive) To split.
  6. (intransitive, mineralogy) Of a crystal, to split along a natural plane of division.

cleave (plural cleaves)

  1. (technology) Flat, smooth surface produced by cleavage, or any similar surface produced by similar techniques, as in glass.

Definizione dizionario cleave

rimanere attaccato

Altri significati:
  (technology) Flat, smooth surface produced by cleavage, or any similar surface produced by similar techniques, as in glass.
  (intransitive) To cling, adhere or stick fast to something; used with to or unto.
  (intransitive) To be faithful.
  (intransitive, mineralogy) Of a crystal, to split along a natural plane of division.
  (transitive, chemistry) To split (a complex molecule) into simpler molecules.
  (transitive) To split or sever something or as if with a sharp instrument.
  '''transitive''' to split or sever
  (transitive, mineralogy) To break a single crystal (such as a gemstone or semiconductor wafer) along one of its more symmetrical crystallographic planes (often by impact), forming facets on the resulting pieces.
  (transitive) To make or accomplish by or as if by cutting.
  (intransitive) To split.

Traduzione cleave

fendere ,incollare ,spaccare ,crepare ,dividere

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