Canzoni in inglese

Esecizio di Grammatica Inglese delle canzoni che ti permettono di affinare la comprensione della lingua inglese. Trova le parole del testo della canzone di inglese cercando di capirle dall'audio.
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elvis presley - bossa nova baby


Find the missing word

I said take it easy baby I worked all day and my feet 1 just like lead
You got my shirt tail flying all 2 the place and the sweat poppin' out of my head
She said hey bossa 3 baby keep on workin' cause this ain't no time to quit
She said go 4 nova baby keep on dancin' I'm about to have myself a fit

Bossa Nova
Bossa 5

I said hey little mama lets sit down and have a drink and dig the band
She 6 drink, drink, drink oh fiddley-dink I can dance with a drink in my 7
She said hey bossa nova baby keep on working cause this ain't no 8 to drink
She said go bossa nova baby keep on dancin' cause I ain't got the time to 9

Bossa Nova
Bossa Nova

I said come on baby its hot in here and its oh so cool outside
If you lend me a dollar I can buy some gas and we can go for a little ride
She said hey bossa nova baby keep on workin' cause I ain't got the time for that
She said go bossa nova baby keep on dancin' or I'll find myself another cat

Bossa Nova
Bossa Nova
Bossa Nova
Bossa Nova
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